What lead me here
Growing up, I was fascinated with the unconventional. I emersed myself in stories of ghosts and witches while playing with Ouija boards and performing makeshift seances with my friends. It was thrilling to think that there were energies at work that I could not see but could feel, even if others could not.
Then, along came boys and the need to fit in. I traded in my Ouija board for a caboodle kit full of makeup and hair spray. Which, in its own way, paid off as I enrolled into hair school right after graduating from high school. I worked as a hair and makeup artist passionately for five years. I teamed up with the lead photographer in our city, and we created stunning imagery that filled me with an overflowing amount of creativity. My books were full 6-8 weeks in advance in the salon, and my summer weekends were capitalized by weddings and grads. I was creating! I was learning! I was connecting! And I was tired.
When I became pregnant with my daughter, I knew that I needed to have more flexibility. I could not give up my passion for hair and makeup, so I took on a position for a financial institution that allowed me to work part-time and from home. We built a salon in our basement, and I juggled between two worlds that could not seem farther apart.
As my daughter grew her independence, I felt myself yearning for financial freedom. I knew I had to make a choice, and the Type A, overthinking, left side of my brain took over. I took on a full-time position as a finance manager for a dealership. I was out of the house, getting dressed up for work every day and connecting with people again. I was great at my job. I loved the people and the money. I now knew that I could literally do anything. I had been all over the map, and with each new challenge I had given myself, I pushed out of my comfort zone and somehow found a way to succeed. I sought out new business opportunities for myself with one goal in mind! Make more money! Don’t know how to do mortgages? Learn! Selling insurance sound scary? You can do it! I pushed and pushed myself in new directions throwing obstacles, fears, and my creative dreams aside in my commitment to climb as high as I could.
And then, the mountain I had been climbing started to crumble around me. The little signs I had been flicking off my shoulder for the last ten years were beginning to get bigger. They were becoming cracks in the thick exterior I had built around myself. And as those cracks got bigger, my intuition started to seep back in, reminding me of how far-off track I had allowed myself to become. How far away from who I was. As it reminded me of this, I could feel the pull of my mind wanting to get back to its soul. It was intense, and with each day, I felt I needed to move faster and faster to reconnect the two.
That is when I found the Akashic Records. I learned my gifts and listened to everything the reader said as it linked my mind back to the message my soul had been trying to convey to me for all these years. I felt whole again.
Today, I spend my days helping others in search of their life’s purpose and reintroduce them to their soul. I am fully emersed in my intuition and creativity and have found the abundance I was in search of.